Saturday, September 24, 2011

What Doing?

It seems that things are finally beginning to slow down and I'm starting to find a sense of rhythm.

The weeks alternate between outdoor activities and teaching. 
Every other weekend we have local ministry.

My local ministry is a youth group about three hours away in Godøynes, near Bodø.

Last Friday, Lars, Per Henrik and I teamed up with Tegan and Christophe who were going to Bodø.

Ferry to Ørnes
Cristophe making lamb meatballs in Godøynes
Lars and Per Henrik

Our youth group is hosted by a free church, rather than the Norwegian state church, so it's rather small.

There were only a handful of students that evening and they were quite shy about speaking English. 

Tegan and Christophe returned around midnight and we all camped out in the church. 

The next morning we drove to Bodø and spent a ridiculous amount of time hunting for supplies by item number in the hardware store. 

There was a long and lovely drive home.

A mighty waterfall was spotted so we went to say hello.

So mighty was the waterfall that it hit the valley wall opposite. 

Everyone was pretty exhausted by the time we arrived back at the base.

I napped till dinner and woke up to this.

"When the sun shines here, it looks like God is kissing the earth" -Tegan

Having slept all afternoon I was wide awake for Saturday night's, last minute, crab "picking" escapade. 

I assumed we'd be sitting out in the fjord with a crab pot for a few hours. 

No, it was so much better. 

Crab picking: rowing over to a rock, sneaking up on a crab and "picking" it off the rock with a rake. 

So much fun.

Also, the Northern lights joined the party. 
They danced with the bright moon on the glassy sea.

Sunday I went hiking around where Lars was scouting for this week's outdoor trip.

It was resplendent.

Rachael-"Beauty break?"
 Lars- "Are you beautified yet?"
I've hiked so many of these hills already. Love these fresh new mountains.
Photo: Michael Moritz

Came home to a bonfire and the golden hour.
The base family was waiting with a crustaceous feast and a plethora of hardware tools.

I beginning to feel really safe and at home here in Engavågen.

 I feel so safe and at home that I'm getting wanderlust. 
"We're not on holiday. We live here!"

On that note, Lars and I are heading to Latvia on a short term mission in less than two weeks
(please pray)

Things keep moving at a reckless pace.
I'm giving myself permission to choose rest.
(Although resting still usually looks like exploring mountains with soggy dreadlocks and muddy boots)

 I am learning it's okay not to adventure, all the time.

Stop. Breath. Listen. Rest. Still. Repeat. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

first of all- norway has FANCY ferries!

and, um, maybe it's just a trick of lighting but your man-friends look mighty fine, if i do say so myself (a married woman, i am, so i observe only on your behalf, of course).

the northern lights look SO BEAUTIFUL. i've never seen them; i'm so jealous / happy for you that you get to sleep under them!!

miss you lots, so glad to keep up with your adventures via blog. :D